************* BEFORE BUYING !!!!!! *************
I am currently working on a better version of the game, which will be a kind of reboot/remake. This version will only be released on Steam, so I recommend waiting for the new version and purchasing it on Steam when it comes out, as this new version will be superior with a better interface, improved mechanics, more languages, and much more. Here is the steam page: Steam!
If you still want to buy this version, first download the demo at the bottom to test if the game runs properly on your computer.
For a better downloading process, download the itch.io app.
If you encounter any issues with the game, please read here: Read here if you have problems with the game
If you want you can follow me here: instagram I will upload news about the game and when the uploads will be released.
Thank you!
The Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.) needs you!
There is a vacancy for the doorman position in your building and since you need the money and can't find a job you have no choice.
It's 1955 and for unknow reasons doppelganers are more common than normal, so the D.D.D. has taken action on the matter.
Your job will be to allow or deny the entry of the subjects who request entry to the building, it seems easy, but be careful, you can't overlook any detail because you could be food for doppelgangers.
¡El Departamento de Detección de Doppelgangers (D.D.D.) te necesita!
Hay una vacante en el puesto de portero de tu edificio y como necesitas el dinero y no encuentras trabajo no tienes otra opción.
Es 1955 y por razones desconocidas los doppelgangers son más comunes de lo normal, por lo que el D.D.D. ha tomado cartas en el asunto.
Tu trabajo consistirá en permitir o denegar el ingreso de los sujetos que soliciten ingreso al edificio, parece fácil, pero cuidado, no puedes dejar pasar ningún detalle por alto porque podrías ser comida de doppelgangers.
Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.) 需要你!
现在是1955年,由于未知原因,幽灵复制人比正常情况更为常见,因此 D.D.D. 已经采取行动处理此事。